Embedding ECOSMART™ in Our Operations

Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future
Stanley Black & Decker business strategy compels us to understand, track and continually minimize our environmental impacts. Our ECOSMART™ culture helps us identify environmentally related strategies that ensure we stay ahead of climate-related influences and reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

Water Scarcity
Our global water strategy has been designed to improve our water discharge quality, reduce water consumption and better prepare us for the future effects of water scarcity. Our strategy includes managing where we will expand operations, acquire companies or build new facilities to ensure water scarcity concerns are understood and addressed. In 2015, we charted our manufacturing and distribution network using the World Resources Institute Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas tool.

2015 included the launch of our ECOSMART™ Office Initiative, designed to create a sustainable eco-friendly office environment. As an ongoing effort to reduce our paper consumption and toner usage, we encourage colleagues to implement "Smart Printing Strategies" into their daily work activities.

Sustainability Performance
In 2015, we extended our ECOSMART™ philosophy to include our whole supply chain. We encourage our suppliers to advance sustainability processes that not only benefit themselves but can be passed along the entire supply chain. The goal of our audits is to identify opportunities for improvement and to help our suppliers make beneficial process improvements for energy, waste, and water reductions. 180 of our Asian-based suppliers audited to capture and enhance their sustainability and EHS performance.