Garage Storage Unit
Difficulty: Advanced
Get organised with our clutter-clearing shelving and workbench project.
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What you’ll need
- 63x38mm timber (suggested: 2400mm lengths x 11)
- 12mm MDF board (suggested: 2440x1220mm sheets x 2)
- 18mm timber dowel (approx. 120mm length)
- 100mm screws (approx. 30)
- 70mm screws (approx. 60)
- 35mm screws (approx. 24)
- Clamps
Project Overview

Shelving Unit

Step-by-step instructions
Step 1: Cut Wood to Length
Measure and cut the timber to length, ideally using a circular saw for extra precision. We suggest using 11 pieces of 2400mm timber, divided as follows:
From 4 of the pieces:
Cut x1 (A) 1800mm / x1 (B) 500mm from each
From 3 of the pieces:
Cut x2 (C) 900mm / x1 (B) 500mm from each
From 2 of the pieces:
Cut x2 (E) 820mm / x1 (F) 624mm from each
From 1 of the pieces:
Cut x1 (D) 980mm / x1 (B) 500mm and x1 (G) 488mm
From 1 of the pieces:
Cut x3 (G) 488mm
Once finished, you should have the following lengths:

Step 2: Assemble the frame
Following the diagram below, connect pieces (A) and (C) together, positioning the shelves 600mm apart. Use two 70mm screws for each connection, adding pilot holes for each screw beforehand (unless you’re using an impact driver, which should do the job without them). Secure the frame in place using clamps and a workbench for extra support. Repeat this so you have a front and back section for your shelving unit.
Once finished, join your sections together with the (B) struts. Use one 100mm screw for each connection, again adding pilot holes if necessary. Your shelving frame is complete!

For the workbench frame, first cut the benchtop (H) from your MDF (see step 3 for measurements). Connect the (E) struts to (H) using 100mm screws, adding pilot holes beforehand (including through the benchtop). For a clean finish, use a countersunk bit so the screw heads embed into the benchtop.
Secure the bench together with supporting struts (F) and (G), following the diagram below. Place the lower strut (G) 600mm from the base to align with the bottom shelf of the shelving unit.

Step 3: Cut shelf panels
Cut the three shelving panels (K/J) to size (626x976mm) from your MDF boards. For the two lower shelves (J), the corners need to be cut to accommodate the frame legs (63x38mm indents on each corner). The stencil below shows how all your MDF pieces can be cut from two 2440x1220mm boards, including the benchtop and backing board for your workbench.

Step 4: Attach shelves and backing board
Placing the shelves on your frame as below, drill several pilot holes along each edge. Countersink each hole for a flush finish, then secure your shelves in place using 35mm screws.

Following the diagram below, attach the backing board (I) to the workbench frame from the back using 70mm screws, again drilling countersunk pilot holes beforehand. For extra support and a clean finish, attach piece (D) to whichever side of the backing board the shelving unit will be placed next to. The workbench and shelving unit can be attached together using 100mm screws for added stability.

Step 5: Kit out your garage storage unit
To attach the dowel tool supports, first plan your tool arrangement and mark suitable positions for the supports on the MDF board (I). Cut your dowel to 120mm lengths for each support. Drill pilot holes in your supports (L) and MDF board (I), then use a drill driver to screw them into place with 70mm screws.

Once you’ve added your supports, it’s time to kit out your storage unit and enjoy your newly organised garage space!